Here are some original ideas.

Planning the layout of the mountain and the sectional cut was a key first step to understanding how my model would be built and out of what material.

This is a rough sectional poche as I started grasping the general structure of the model.

I build this quickly as I began exploring ways of building the cave in the mountain. My original idea was to layer the entire mountain as white card and as the layers of the cave started forming I cut holes that grew larger then smaller as the layers went up. I ended up making the model with balsa strips instead of a solid block for a number of reasons. Firstly, balsa is a better representation of the materiality of a mountain than white card; it is too emotionless and blank. It is also easier to make the actual building in the model out of white card because it is very precise. Secondly, a model of full layered white card would be very expensive as opposed to using 20mm balsa strips.

This is the final way I came up with to create the cave. I layered 8 or so 2mm pieces of balsa together, glued them down and used a Stanley knife to etch away pieces at a time. It was very effective and seemed to have a raw, cave-like quality which suited the narrative.
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